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personalized & coached

meditation guidance

Through in-person and online sessions,
we will teach you how to meditate.
Our objective goes beyond temporary relaxation: 
the goal is to make fundamental, lasting improvements in your state of mind.

Your true happiness is our greatest priority.

What is the mind?

People live inside their own mind's worlds,
which is composed of their life lived, body, and habits. 
People create their own false mind worlds by storing their memories as images and because of this they live trapped inside these self-made worlds. 
The false mind world is molded by the lives people have lived and
by the experience they have had.

All people believe their own false mind worlds to be the real world,
because the images they have taken of everything
they have seen, heard, and experienced perfectly overlap the real world.   


Recall the remembered thoughts and pictures in your mind.



Reflect on the pictures in order to increase self-awareness.

Become aware of your habits and attachments,

becoming conscious of who you are from a

greater perspective: the Universe.


Throw away the pictures with a guided visualization technique.

Train your brain to know that the illusion is not real and

to throw it away from the Universe perspective.

rest your mind

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